Stenon News for Agriculture Experts – June 2024

June is the perfect time to be out in the fields. During your breaks, we invite you to explore our June edition, packed with the latest news and updates. We are thrilled to announce the release of the new version of the fertilization recommendation calculator, now available to all users in Kazakhstan and northern Kyrgyzstan. Additionally, we’ll share positive feedback from a customer in that region. In Brazil, in partnership with Lavoro Agro in Paraná, we conducted measurements across 40,000 hectares using FarmLab from February to the end of May. As always, we have compiled insightful articles on improving the efficiency of N-fertilizer application strategies in various regions.

Stay tuned and enjoy the read!

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Stenon News for Agriculture Experts – May 2024

Welcome to the May edition of Stenon News for Agriculture experts! As we delve into the heart of the agricultural season, we’re excited to explore the unique dynamics of May farming. In this article, we’ll unveil where you can learn about the transformative potential of digital agricultural platforms, share insights into nitrogen management and exciting news about our global partnerships.

Stay tuned and enjoy the read!

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Stenon News for Agriculture Experts – April 2024

April is a very important month for all regions, as it is planting time for many crops, and in some countries, such as Brazil, farmers are already preparing for harvest. In any case, the Stenon solution is relevant for all agricultural businesses, whether they are in Latin America, Central Europe, or Asia – being able to get real-time soil data is essential for every crop.

That’s why in this April blog post, we have prepared for you the news about our latest product update for users in Kazakhstan and Brazil, a new case study for Brazilian wheat growers, and as usual, a collection of insightful articles that can be especially interesting for corn producers.

Stay tuned and enjoy the read!

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Stenon News for Agriculture Experts – March 2024

In Europe, we are happy to welcome spring. This time is pivotal for strategizing and preparing, ensuring that when spring arrives, the fields are ready to foster bountiful crops. That’s why we believe it would be helpful to share some common methods and approaches to getting a field ready for planting. In this monthly article, we collected insightful tips for corn growers highlighting the importance of nitrogen application at every crop stage for fruitful yields and unveiled the process of Stenon’s calibration that assures our data accuracy. For the Brazilian region, which is currently undergoing its autumn season, we are excited to share our latest product update and newest video tutorials for getting started with FarmLab.

Stay tuned and enjoy the read!

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„Stenon News for Agriculture Experts – March 2024“ weiterlesen

Stenon News for Agriculture Experts – January-February 2024

Stenon is back with the monthly news for agriculture experts! We hope you enjoyed the holiday break and now are full of plans. Great to be on your side and support your operations with our technology and insightful material about agriculture. We are excited to start 2024 with sharing Stenon’s performance numbers, latest case-studies and customer testimonials and interesting articles about best practices in agriculture.

Stay tuned and enjoy the read!

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Stenon News for Agriculture Experts – December 2023

Each season has its own pace, but in December, it’s the perfect time to take a look back and learn from the year’s experience. That’s why in this December article, we have collected insightful material on how to increase your operational efficiency while securing your production. 

More doesn’t always mean better, and when it comes to fertilizer application, this rule is especially accurate. Enjoy your pre-holiday time and learn from our newsletter different tips for smart production of various crops from all over the world and how innovative agricultural technology can contribute to its improvement.

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Stenon News for Agriculture Experts – November 2023

In this November edition, we invite you to delve into stories where innovation intersects with agriculture. Learn about the challenges of global mis-harmonization of soil testing methods discussed by Stenon’s founder and CEO, Niels Grabbert, at the World Agri-tech Innovation Summit. Explore the latest agriculture tips for wheat production in the Kazakhstan region, and gain access to insightful product video tutorials tailored to the Brazilian market.

Additionally, as usual, we have curated reading tips from around the globe, focusing on the transformative power of digitization and cost-effective fertilizer application strategies.

Stay tuned and enjoy the read!

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Stenon News for Agriculture Experts – October 2023

„It is only the farmer who faithfully plants seeds in the Spring, who reaps a harvest in the Autumn,“ said B. Forbes, and we are here at this important time of the year to help you improve your operational efficiency. We aim to accomplish this not only by providing innovative technology solutions for agriculture businesses but also by sharing valuable insights on optimizing your fertilization strategies, highlighting the advantages of the latest breakthroughs in soil analysis, and presenting real-world examples of how cost savings and increased yields can be achieved.

This article is jam-packed with news about recent updates of Stenon’s solution, practical fertilizer recommendations and intriguing studies conducted in various regions.

Stay tuned and enjoy the read!

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Stenon News for Agriculture Experts – September 2023

Autumn is a busy time for agriculture industry, but if you have a free minute we are excited to share with you the latest Stenon news. In our recent blog article with tips for agriculture experts we have covered a range of interesting topics: our groundbreaking collaboration with Lavoro Agro to enhance Brazilian agriculture,  the successful accomplishment of the calibration campaign in Sao Paulo and Parana, our impactful partnership in Kazakhstan with Eurasia Group Kazakhstan. Additionally, we’ve curated informative articles on topics ranging from nitrogen management in corn production to the role of precision agriculture in maximizing yields sustainably.

Stay tuned and enjoy the read!

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Stenon News for Agriculture Experts – August 2023

We are delighted to be back after the long break and have some exciting news to share with you. Over the past few months, we have been focused on expanding the reach of our innovative soil analysis solution to new parts of the world. We are thrilled to announce that our services are now available in the Kazakhstan market through our trusted partner, Eurasia Group AG. Additionally, we are diligently working with our partner Lavoro to be fully operational in the Brazilian market.

Stenon is going global, and so is our series of articles with news for agriculture experts. The updated version will bring you the latest Stenon news, product updates, insights from our partners, and of course, interesting reading tips.

Stay tuned and enjoy the read!

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Die aktuelle Landwirtschaftszählung in Deutschland

Autor: Christopher Hanek

In Deutschland wurden zuletzt über 250.000 landwirtschaftliche Betriebe befragt und die Angaben statistisch ausgewertet. Diese aktuelle Landwirtschaftszählung bildet die Grundlage für Diskussionen und Entscheidungen im Rahmen von Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft.

„Die aktuelle Landwirtschaftszählung in Deutschland“ weiterlesen

Landwirtschaft in der Schweiz

Autor: Christopher Hanek

Berge, Weiden und Bäche unter blauem Himmel – das ist ein Bild, das vermutlich viele Menschen im Sinn haben, wenn es um das Thema “Landwirtschaft in der Schweiz” geht. Doch gehört weitaus mehr in dieses Schweizer Panorama, denn auch wenn die Schweiz im Hinblick auf ihre Anbaumöglichkeiten begrenzt ist, macht das kleine Land große Schritte in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit und Technik. In diesem Artikel werfen wir einen Blick auf die aktuelle Situation der Landwirtschaft in der Schweiz.

„Landwirtschaft in der Schweiz“ weiterlesen

Stimmen aus der Praxis: Clemens Coenen von P. & P. Coenen – Landtechnisches Lohnunternehmen

Im Rahmen unserer Artikelserie “Stimmen aus der Praxis” haben wir mit Clemens Coenen von dem landwirtschaftlichen Lohnunternehmen P. & P. Coenen ein Interview geführt.

„Stimmen aus der Praxis: Clemens Coenen von P. & P. Coenen – Landtechnisches Lohnunternehmen“ weiterlesen

Stenons Ratschläge aus der Landwirtschaft – September 2022: Kartoffelstudie und Bodenvorteil

Der Herbst ist da – genauso wie die September-Ausgabe unserer Artikelserie “Stenons Ratschläge aus der Landwirtschaft”. Der Monat ist gefüllt mit Content, den wir in diesem Artikel zusammenfassen möchten. Dieses Mal dreht sich alles um praktische Erfahrungen mit dem FarmLab im Rahmen einer „Kartoffelstudie“, Bodeneigenschaften, die im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel helfen können und die „Giftpflanze des Jahres 2022”.

„Stenons Ratschläge aus der Landwirtschaft – September 2022: Kartoffelstudie und Bodenvorteil“ weiterlesen

Stenons Ratschläge aus der Landwirtschaft – August 2022: Datengenauigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit

Diesen Monat bieten wir Ihnen in der aktuellen Ausgabe von “Stenons Ratschläge aus der Landwirtschaft” mehrere Leseempfehlungen, die sich nicht nur mit unserem FarmLab befassen, sondern auch einen Einblick in Theorie und Praxis geben. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Bedeutung von Datengenauigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit für die Bodengesundheit.

„Stenons Ratschläge aus der Landwirtschaft – August 2022: Datengenauigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit“ weiterlesen